Anticipate the Future

Listening to your assets significantly benefits your business
Joachim Kirsch | Claus Lintz | Fabian Schmidt | Robert Heiler | Daniel Heinzler
Mai 2019 | White Paper | Englisch

Anticipate the Future

Listening to your assets significantly benefits your business

Successful management of industrial assets is the key to staying competitive in most industries. Aircraft, trains, production equipment, energy plants, and even cruise have to be used in the best possible ways to achieve good economic results. Imagine your assets offering regular feedback, such as when replacement parts need to be ordered, special services are required, or their „health“-status reaches a critical point. Or even better: your assets proactively suggest redistribution or flattening of peak workload in order to ensure quality and volume for an additional two weeks without a break. Fiction? Not at all. 

This white paper from Porsche Consulting provides a structured approach to predicting the best ways to maximize your assets in the future.


of the analytical effort is required to find data points relevant to asset condition, get them in the right granularity, and match all data points to an overarching model.


of reduction in production losses was identified by applying artificial intelligence in a crop seed plant.


improvement potential over asset lifetime availability, with an asset-individual sweet spot that balances operational needs and cost targets.

Management Summary
  • Successfully implemented showcases are the trigger to scale the approach throughout the complete facility, across similar plants, and throughout the entire company.
  • As tangible results early on are important for management buy-in to further drive the digital transformation and roadmap execution, the selection of the right showcases is crucial.
  • Asset criticality, improvement potential, and asset-related data availability and quality form the basis for selection. Furthermore, the results should be achievable within a relatively short timeframe, typically a few weeks.

Lesen Sie das komplette White Paper


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Joachim Kirsch
Branchenleiter Luftfahrt



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