Manage the Present and Shape the Future

How to boost your innovation power as automotive supplier in the era of electrification, digitalization, and connectivity
Federico Magno | Oliver W. Bibo | Jun Lu
Mai 2019 | Strategy Paper | Englisch

Manage the Present and Shape the Future

How to boost your innovation power as automotive supplier in the era of electrification, digitalization, and connectivity

Successful management of industrial assets is the key to staying competitive in most industries. Aircraft, trains, production equipment, energy plants, and even cruise have to be used in the best possible ways to achieve good economic results. Imagine your assets offering regular feedback, such as when replacement parts need to be ordered, special services are required, or their „health“-status reaches a critical point. Or even better: your assets proactively suggest redistribution or flattening of peak workload in order to ensure quality and volume for an additional two weeks without a break. Fiction? Not at all. 

This white paper from Porsche Consulting provides a structured approach to predicting the best ways to maximize your assets in the future.


of C-level executives find that innovation is a central strategic advantage for business models and revenue streams.


confirm that at least half of the revenues come from new products and services.


generate less than 25% of the total revenues from innovative products and services.

Management Summary
  • The automotive supplier industry has to identify new ways to cope with strategic challenges: A way to survive in the short and medium term but also to secure long-term competitive advantages and growth.
  • Success in an era of electrification, digitalization, and connectivity is ultimately achieved by establishing overarching innovation management, fostering a lively and self-driven innovation culture, and boosting innovation power.
  • Porsche Consulting provides automotive suppliers with a holistic yet pragmatic framework to establish a successful innovation system–a system across all dimensions that shapes the strategic vision and ensures the smart implementation.

Lesen Sie das komplette Strategy Paper


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