Siemens: Exemplary throughput times for gas turbines
Project with Porsche Consulting a strong contender in Werner von Siemens Award.

07.03.2017 | Article
Five and a half meters high, five and a half meters wide, nearly thirteen meters long, and weighing 445 tonnes – the largest gas turbine in the Siemens portfolio is one of the best systems in its class. Made at production sites in Berlin and Charlotte, North Carolina, the turbines are delivered to customers in 60 countries. Who not only require ever greater levels of output and cost efficiency, but also do not want to wait long for their machines.
Porsche Consulting supported Siemens in cutting the throughput time for gas turbine production in half. Better throughput times have already been helpful in completing a mega project. In June 2015 Siemens received the largest single contract in its history, to expand the power generation system in Egypt. Twenty-four Siemens H-class gas turbines are being installed in three turnkey natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plants to supply electricity to 45 million people. Only 18 months after receiving the contract, Siemens has set new standards worldwide in the execution of large fast-track power plant projects. The first plant is finished and already operating – which concludes the first phase of the mega project.
The initiative to improve gas turbine production has also been well received within the company. It was among the top 10 percent of contenders in the Performance category for the annual Werner von Siemens Award, which honors outstanding contributions to the success of the company.
Francis Jarvis, who directed Siemens’ Lead Time Reduction of Large Gas Turbines project, confirmed its success. “We’ve learned from the project how to work more efficiently. All of the employees involved have realized that we have to examine our processes and products with new eyes every day. This is essential if we are to continue to improve and strengthen our competitive edge over the long term.”