Notizie & Tendenze

I trend di domani: una panoramica di notizie, argomenti di attualità e informazioni di background.


La trasformazione della Cina rappresenta un'opportunità per le aziende italiane

Pechino sta spingendo lo sviluppo del mercato interno

Transform and Perform

How automotive suppliers can keep pace in times of disruption and stringent OEM requirements

Reshaping aviation to build new competitiveness

How airlines and airports can master business transformation and safeguard future viability

Porsche Consulting collabora alla realizzazione di un Biotech Lab capace di processare 1 tampone ogni 28 secondi

Inaugurato a Calcinate il laboratorio che parte da una capacità di 2.500 tamponi al giorno.

Porsche Consulting

The Magazine

Il nostro Magazine digitale racconta storie inedite dal mondo del lavoro. Troverai ritratti di aziende dinamiche, interviste con top manager e report di numerose industrie.

Stop Buying Customer Satisfaction with Your Profits

Seven design guidelines to boost Order-to-Delivery Excellence

Night Shift on Track

The last passengers have hardly disembarked before nightly maintenance work on the fleet of ICE trains begins.

Fit for Automotive

Get your start-up ready for the automotive industry

Digital Leap: When If Not Now?

The coronavirus has accelerated digital transformation in many sectors. It has revealed deficits, but also released new energy. We look at five industries and their digital futures.

Food for Thought

The coronavirus has also jolted the food industry. Four managers explain how this led them to focus on essentials—and how they even discovered some new opportunities.

Pivot in the Skies

Few industries have been hit as hard by the coronavirus as aviation. Now is the time to develop ideas that will facilitate a rapid return when the crisis is over.



Infrastrutture & Costruzioni
Servizi Finanziari
Beni Industriali
Beni di Consumo
Life Sciences


Brand & Vendite
Tecnologia & Sviluppo
Strategia & Organizzazione


Porsche Consulting – The Magazine