Changing the rules of B2B Pricing

How artificial intelligence can substantially increase profit
Pricing has the power to rapidly increase or decrease margins. However, for many executives today, pricing remains a paradox. There is often uncertainty about how to set the correct price proactively based on the customers’ willingness to pay (WTP). Furthermore, the vast amount of accessible data, the enormous range of analytical possibilities, and increased purchasing power make the decision increasingly more complex. It is therefore important to highlight what it takes to enable AI-assisted pricing and what pricing options exist.
In this White Paper, Porsche Consulting presents seven challenges in pricing and shows how AI can successfully help to overcome these. It provides pragmatic guidance on how to elevate pricing along three main building blocks from the overall pricing strategy and setting the right prices through to sustaining them – for top decision makers as well as for operational staff. In addition, case studies illustrate the achieved business benefits and demonstrate the cross-transfer potential of the methodology.
Read the whole white paper now
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