Artificial Intelligence: 5 Trends for 2025
How companies are ramping up digitalization

16.12.2024 | Porsche Consulting – The Magazine
The time for experimentation has passed. The focus must now be on targeted utilization and concrete benefits. This, in a nutshell, describes Porsche Consulting’s hands-on experience with the new technology in a wide array of projects for clients from different sectors. Over recent years, companies have been launching many pilot projects for individual uses of artificial intelligence (AI). The main priority now, however, will be to rigorously evaluate further investments on the basis of their potential contribution to business success.
That means companies need to select the methods best suited to their needs from the comprehensive AI toolbox. And they have to make the transition from generic tools to customized solutions. “Technical considerations are key to achieving better results, but companies also need to adapt their organizations in order to make full use of AI potential,” says Fabian Schmidt, Associate Partner AI & Data Analytics at Porsche Consulting.
What tasks now head the agenda? And what paths will lead to solutions?