Planning in Disruptive Times

Six recommendations to transform the corporate financial planning process into a future proof foundation for smart decision-making
Pschemyslaw Pustelniak | Dr. Philipp Schaller | Patrick Ekler
Aug. 2019 | White Paper | Englisch

Planning in Disruptive Times

Six recommendations to transform the corporate financial planning process into a future proof foundation for smart decision-making

Changed prerequisites in a faster and more volatile environment impose new challenges for corporate planning. Current efforts to simplify and digitize processes have created new opportunities to make better-informed decisions. In reality, however, many departments struggle with silo-thinking, complex corporate structures and inflexible routines. 

Based on debates with planning practicioners, six recommendations were derived on how to streamline an existing corporate planning approach and how to come up with a future-proof foundation for smart decision-making.


recommendations to transform the corporate financial planning process


drivers of complexity expose inefficiency in planning


major challenges are relevant for the evolvement of a sound planning approach

Management Summary
  • The number of segment plans which need to be considered in any planning cycle, often grows with the size of a corporation and the complexity of its corporate structure. Poorly documented and intransparent segment plan delivery structures lead to missing information and inefficient reconciliation rounds.
  • The creation of a streamlined and integrated end-to-end process is necessary to enable the benefits that driver-based planning, scenario simulations or the use of predictive analytics can achieve.
  • After an assessment of the current planning process maturity and the identification of major action fields the project moves on to the design and implementation phase. Based on the insights generated we offer several best practice blueprints on how to streamline a planning approach.

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Pschemyslaw Pustelniak
Practice Lead Strategie & Organisation



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