Spotlight on Corporate-Wide Efficiency Programs

How to tackle your cost structure and drive top-line growth to sustain stability in times of economic downturn
Dr. Roman Hipp | Dirk Pfitzer | Eva Bellm | Anna Pfützenreuter | Theresa Geck | Oliver Kienzler
Okt. 2019 | Strategy Paper | Englisch

Spotlight on Corporate-Wide Efficiency Programs

How to tackle your cost structure and drive top-line growth to sustain stability in times of economic downturn

Signs of an economic downturn are globally prevalent. Porsche Consulting investigated more than 400 publicly listed, European-headquartered companies with a cumulative sales amount of €3,600 billion. On average, profitability (EBIT) reached a plateau during economic prosperity in 2017/2018 and suddenly dropped by 1.6 percentage points in 2019. Now is the time to do both tackle the cost structure and drive top-line growth to stay ahead of the competition. 

The new strategy paper of Porsche Consulting focus on key success factors of corporate-wide efficiency programs and reveals why profitably growing peers are outperforming other market participants. In addition, Porsche Consulting provides the top 20 levers to increase the company value in times of uncertainty.


publicly listed, European companies were investigated for this study.


The purchasing manag­er index for the European manufactur­ing business dropped below the 50.0 mark in February 2019.


success factors drive the success rate of efficiency programs.

Management Summary
  • Companies very often fail to realize efficiency targets, even though they might have set realistic targets and identified appropriate efficiency levers to deliver results.
  • One of the common reasons is the underestimation of the radically transformative nature and inherent vulnerability of corporate-wide efficiency programs.
  • Based on the assessment of transformative engagements, summarized the most important success factors that help to navigate the process safe and sound.

Lesen Sie das komplette Strategy Paper


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